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Not all problems fixable

By Marsha Mercer

Friday, July 25, 2008

By Marsha Mercer

WASHINGTON — President Bush says he doesn’t have a magic wand, so he “can’t just say, ‘low gas.”’

Now he tells us.

“There is no immediate fix,” he said at a recent news conference. “This took us a while to get in this problem. There is no short-term solution.”

This is a moment worth remembering as we prepare to choose the next president. Presidential candidates are all can-do; they seldom see a problem they can’t solve. They rarely acknowledge that their campaign promises are just plans. The reality is that we can’t rely on them to solve our problems.

Bush is hardly the specimen of a president who accomplished what he promised as a candidate. Events out of the president’s hands often dictate policy changes. The world changed Sept. 11, 2001, and so did Bush’s direction.

And then there’s that pesky legislative branch — Congress — that every president has to work with to get his proposals made into law.

Still, if we elect oil men to the White House, we should not be surprised if their solutions to an energy crisis involve drilling for more oil. Oil men are unlikely to champion solar and wind power, alternative fuels and conservation. After all, you don’t go to a surgeon if you don’t want to get cut.

Bush’s solution to skyrocketing gas prices is drilling off-shore, which even he concedes would take seven years — others say 10 — to bring down gas prices. There’s no guarantee it would happen even that fast.

But John McCain and Barack Obama make it seem easy. If you’ll just give them your vote, you can sit back while they fix the energy crisis, solve the mortgage mess, put people back to work and shore up the banking system. If you want a dazzling smile or whiter whites in the laundry, that can probably be arranged as well.

The reality is different.

Economists warn that voters should not expect too much of a president. Even though presidents get the credit when the economy is sailing and the blame when it’s rocky, they really don’t have much control.

Carter’s sweater

People laughed when Jimmy Carter turned down the thermostat and put on a sweater back in the 1970s to spur conservation, but even a symbolic conservation gesture would be welcome as gasoline inches toward $5 a gallon.

But Bush has not yet made such a gesture.

“People can figure out whether they need to drive more or less; they can balance their own checkbook,” he said.

But what about the federal fleet, which has about 650,000 vehicles? Bush could order a cutback on travel. He could listen to Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, who offered a simple solution to idling guzzlers: Turn off the ignition.

It’s the kind of simple, doable promise that presidential candidates rarely make: I will turn off the car — starting today. It might not be a magic wand, but every little bit helps.

What about it, Sen. Obama? Sen. McCain?

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