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AARP 4545

Sunday, January 20, 2008

AARP 4545

X Boardman South Chapter 4545, AARP, will meet at 11:30 a.m. Feb. 7 at Holiday Inn South in Boardman with Elmer Haidle presiding. Menu choices are Chicken Tuscany or orange roughy at $12.50. Reservations must be made by Jan. 31. Send check with entree choice to Helen Day, 543 West Glen Drive, Boardman, OH 44512, or call (330) 782-2816. The program will be presented by Randall Wellington, Mahoning County sheriff, who will speak on senior unit services. Anniversaries and birthdays will be observed. New members and guests are welcome.

Members should report illnesses or deaths to Peggy Montgomery at (330) 758-9286.


X Retirees of Commercial Intertech will meet at noon Tuesday at St. Mark Church on Logan Way. There will be a Chinese auction, and lunch will be served by Connie and Ed DiPiero.

Illnesses should be reported to Eve Bennett, (330) 394-2830.


X Girard Senior Citizens Club will meet at 11 a.m. Wednesday at the center, 16 N. State St. After a business meeting conducted by Bill Schumm, Ann Penman will present a program on some of the mothers of U.S. presidents. New members are welcome. Take a sack lunch; desserts will be provided.


X There will be no January meeting for the Holy Name Seniors. The next meeting is scheduled for Feb. 24.


X A meeting of Liberty Friends will be held at 10 a.m. Wednesday at Liberty Presbyterian Church, 1351 Churchill-Hubbard Road. Members are reminded to take a sack lunch, coffee will be provided, and cards and games will be played.


X Bridge, 500, chess and checkers will be played when Martha Lupse 50-Plus Card and Game Club meets from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Thursday in Room 106 at Poland United Methodist Church. Ted Conner will give the devotion. Members are reminded to take a sack lunch; coffee and tea will be provided. No affiliation with the church is required for participation. For information call (330) 757-1980.


X Public Employees Retirees, Inc., Mahoning Chapter 18, will meet at noon Feb. 5 at the Italian-American Veterans Centre on Meridian Road, Youngstown. Guest speaker will be Dr. Charles Wilkins, director of geriatric medicine at St. Elizabeth Health Center. Buffet menu will consist of spaghetti, meatballs, chicken, tossed salad, bread and butter, coffee or tea, and cherry pie. Reservations may be made by calling Kitty McCabe, (330) 758-8858; Pat LaRosa, (330) 757-8753; Olga Krupa, (330) 783-2331; or Phyllis Miglarese, (330) 755-5640. The deadline for reservations is Monday. The cost is $7 for members, associate members and guests, payable at the door. Anyone who makes a reservation and does not cancel will be responsible for the price of the meal.


X Packard Electric and Delphi Packard Local 717 Retirees will meet at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday at Local 717 Union Hall, Warren Commerce Park, 2950 Sferra Ave. Those attending are asked to take a labeled covered dish and table service. Karen Capito of 717 Credit Union will be the guest speaker, and Gussy Reed, a credit union retiree, will discuss the Meals on Wheels program.

Annual memberships are being renewed at a cost of $5.


X St. Christine Seniors will meet at 1 p.m. Wednesday. Betty DeFiore will preside, and reports will be given by Mary Jo Theis and Verna Dues. Hostesses will be Carol McClain, Agnes Phillips, Pauline Napolitano and Ann Banyots. There will be a 50-50 raffle, and cards and bingo will be played.