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The ironies of politics

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The ironies of politics


How ironic: Consumers fuel the economy and if they’re strapped, better get them some cash to spend. The biggest component of any government plan to jump-start the economy is expected to be tax rebate checks - both Republicans and Democrats are pushing the idea of sending out checks for several hundred dollars if not more.

But the campaigning Democrats have called for not only an end to the Bush tax cuts, but large tax increases.

Those greedy corporations are behind our economic malaise. But, just look at the endless line of job applicants when one of them makes an offer.

Those greedy banks and mortgage companies are behind the current housing and mortgage debacle. But, if too many borrowers are deemed unqualified, they will claim discrimination.

Those greedy oil companies are consuming all of our income and we should increase their taxes. But, the relatively low price of their common stock shows that the “smart money” knows otherwise.

Hillary Clinton comes to the GM Lordstown plant and professes the most vitriolic antibusiness rhetoric while claiming she will create and maintain American jobs.

Every day it’s becoming more difficult for American corporations to survive.



McCain is another Bush


In the event that the Republicans are stupid enough to nominate the warmonger Sen. John McCain, then we Democrats would be obliged to vote for Hillary or Obama. Four years of John McCain will simply mean four more years of George Bush. On the other hand, if the Republicans are smart enough to pass over old man McCain, then the Democrats of the Mahoning Valley should tell both Hillary and Obama to move on.

Thanks to Don Hanni, former Chairman of the Mahoning County Democratic Party, and Jim Graham, president of the UAW, we put our bid in early for the next Democratic presidential debate. We have been passed over for Cleveland. They have elected to hold the next debate at Cleveland State University. What’s wrong with Youngstown State University? We should be tired of being taken for granted to vote Democrat. Hopefully, an independent will file for president, and then we can go to the polls and tell both sides to kiss off.

Just think what a shot in the arm such a debate would give Youngstown! It would give us some good national publicity; God knows that we’ve had enough of the other kind.

Where has Mayor Jay Williams been on the debate issue? How about our Chamber of Commerce and our Mahoning Valley officeholders?



Debate here or else


If Obama doesn’t debate in Youngstown, then why should anyone in Mahoning and Trumbull County vote for him? That pretty much tells us he doesn’t care about what happens here or to us. At least Hillary cares enough about us to come to Youngstown. Obama wants to be president but can’t even take the time to show us he cares about our counties.

Mahoning and Trumbull both need a president who is going to help us. Cleveland still has a lot of jobs. What about us? If Obama cared about us he’d debate here or we shouldn’t take the time to give him our vote.

