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Timely hint offered by X-ray technician may lessen pain

By Don Shilling, John Benson, Jordan Cohen

Monday, April 28, 2008

Dear Heloise: I read your article on mammogram hints, and I’m hoping you will add another helpful hint.

I learned this from an X-ray technician and had never really thought about it, even though I am a nurse. Be sure to try to schedule your mammogram after your period. I know many women suffer with very tender breasts before and during their periods. If you wait until after, the tenderness, discomfort and sometimes downright pain will be lessened to some extent. Thanks for all of your advice. I read your column every day. Linda Bussey, R.N., Vancouver, Wash.

Linda, that’s a good hint indeed. Ladies, get your mammograms! Don’t put it off — it’s for you and your good health. It’s only a few very brief seconds for a year of good health! Try to schedule it at the same time every year so you won’t miss getting this lifesaving screening. Heloise

Dear Readers: If you bead, are you looking for ways to store beads? Here are some hints:

UPut beads in prescription or other pill bottles (washed well).

UPlace them in an extra fishing tackle box or the plastic bins that fit inside a tackle box.

USet them in clean, foam egg cartons.

UUse a nut, bolt and screw organizer for beads.

Readers, if you have a beading hint or two, we would love to print them! Heloise

Dear Heloise: This weekend, as I was cutting in half my “almost but not quite used up” cream container to access the very last drops before obtaining another, it occurred to me that these household/beauty hints were a result of years of reading Heloise’s Hints in newspapers, magazines and books. My mother read your mother’s columns throughout her life. I naturally read them, too.

The knowledge I inadvertently absorbed has enabled me to continue to enjoy the quality of life (in spite of various obstacles) my parents wished me to have — in short, to be independent, determined and creative. Carol Davidson, Austin, Texas

Dear Heloise: To keep the good vibes of a vacation or trip when I get home, I use the cup (plastic or foam) from the hotel when I brush my teeth in the morning or at night. I see the cup and remember the good times! Deborah L. Woracek, Bellevue, Neb.

Dear Heloise: Allow me to comment on something that really bugs me, and we’re seeing it more and more: When people put advertisements on city street signs. Once, it was only an occasional yard-sale sign taped to a stop sign. Now, we see (laminated) posters that advertise anything from holiday light installation to epoxy garage floors and window washing. And these signs are left on the street signs! I personally NEVER give any business to companies that engage in such practice. Dennis Akren, Ladera Ranch, Calif.

In many areas, it’s also against the law! Better check the ordinances in your locale. Heloise

XSend a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to

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