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Beautification group asks board’s help with spirit project

Thursday, September 20, 2007

MINERAL RIDGE — The newly formed Mineral Ridge Beautification Committee is seeking donations to pay for eight banners it wants to place across state Route 46 with a Mineral Ridge Ram, the high school team’s mascot, on them.

Linda Ference, a committee representative, said the committee hopes to have the screen-printed banners flying along Route 46 later this fall.

The Weathersfield Board of Education told her Wednesday to contact the home and school associations from district schools to see if they will donate. The committee began meeting six months ago on the first Tuesday of the month at 6 p.m. at the Mineral Ridge Fire Station.

Ference said the committee also plans to place two signs, one on either end of the entrance into the township on Route 46 that will say “Mineral Ridge.”

The board learned that the junior high and varsity girls volleyball teams will join with 800 other Ohio teams in a “Volley for the Cure” fund-raising game Tuesday. The JV’s start playing at 5:30 p.m. and the varsity around 7 p.m. Fifty percent of gate receipts and any profits from selling pink T-shirts that say “Volley for the Cure” will be donated to the fight against breast cancer through the Susan G. Komen Cancer Research Foundation in Cleveland.

Half-time events are also planned and prizes will be awarded from area donors.

The board set the tentative date for the annual Community Spirit Day Parade for 3 p.m. Oct. 21.