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Milton Township Trustees deserve a hand, not a slap

Friday, October 26, 2007

Milton Township Trustees deserve a hand, not a slap


In an Oct. 5 letter on “It’s past time for opening dialogue in Milton Township,” the writer severely criticized Trustee Sue Lemmon and the other trustees for recently calling a meeting with the public and business community to continue open communications and dialogue. The fact is, trustees began about a year ago to develop this dialogue when the first meeting was called. The writer states that since this meeting is a few weeks before elections, “it is a brazen gimmick in hyping re-election.” What he fails to tell you is that his son-in-law is running against Trustee Lemmon in November.

Further, he criticizes the police department for holding a golf outing fund-raiser while questioning “since when are golf outings part of the police description.”

Some $6,000 was raised by police volunteer efforts from this golf outing to help purchase state of the art computers for township cruisers. A small township like Milton cannot afford to continually buy this expensive equipment, and when a volunteer group of safety forces, whether they be police or fire, raise funds on behalf of our township, they should be thanked and commended, not criticized.

I do not always agree with trustee decisions, but when they do good for our township, they should be recognized accordingly.

I personally thank Milton Township along with the extra volunteer efforts of the Milton police department for serving our township well on these projects. It is a shame that politics has twisted these good deeds.


Lake Milton

If you missed Tamburitzans, you missed quite a show


If you missed the annual benefit show on Oct. 20 at Boardman Township Performing Arts Center presented by the St. Vincent de Paul Society, you missed an excellent performance. Tamburitzans, a group of Duquesne University students, performed music, songs and dances of Eastern Europe and neighboring cultures. Tamburitzans are full-time students, most of them on the Dean’s List, and yet perform an average of 80 shows from coast to coast.

Just when you thought you couldn’t see anything more colorful, they performed a dance of “The Colors of Greece” which was done with ribbons and was beautiful. The costumes were outstanding.

This is the only fund-raiser St. Vincent de Paul has, they do not send weekly requests for donations through the mail, yet they feed the hungry every day except Wednesday and Sunday at the soup kitchen on Front Street. Since the store on Wick Avenue closed and with more people needing help, I was happy to see a nice turnout for the show.

