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6 seeking probate court seat

By Marc Kovac

Saturday, October 20, 2007

A replacement is being sought for retiring Judge Maloney.



COLUMBUS — A former Youngstown police chief and others with years of experience serving in the area’s courts are among half a dozen applicants seeking to replace Mahoning County Common Pleas Probate Judge Timothy P. Maloney.

Robert E. Bush Jr., Andrew G. Bresko, James Lanzo, Richard W. Machuga, Gary J. Philibin and Mark A. Belinky submitted résumés and other required documents to Gov. Ted Strickland’s office by the Friday evening application deadline.

Judge Maloney is retiring, effective Nov. 30, and a replacement is being sought to finish his term, which ends in early February 2009. Keith Dailey, spokesman for the governor, confirmed that finalists will be interviewed early next month, with a replacement likely selected in the following weeks.

Applicants had to be residents or registered electors in Mahoning County, admitted to practice law in the state and maintained their legal license for the last six years, and not yet 70 years old on the day they would begin their duties.

Bresko, 58, of Lake Milton, served as assistant city prosecutor in Youngstown from 1976-78 and municipal court referee/magistrate in Youngstown Municipal Court from 1981-2000, according to application documents.

Bush, 60, of Youngstown, is chief of the criminal section in the Mahoning County prosecutor’s office. From 2002-06, he was the city’s police chief, and from 1998-2002, he was the city law director. Earlier, he did stints as an assistant county prosecutor, executive director of the Youngstown Citizens Police Review Board and as safety coordinator at the Youngstown Metropolitan Housing Authority.

Lanzo, 62, of Struthers, has served as a judge in Struthers Municipal Court since 1994 and maintained a private practice since 1972. Earlier, he did stints as a prosecutor and small-claims referee in Struthers Municipal Court and as village solicitor in Lowellville.

Machuga, 46, of Youngstown, has maintained a private law practice since 1987 and has been a magistrate in Mahoning County Probate Court since 1997. From 1987-98, he was a staff attorney for the Mahoning County clerk of courts.

Philibin, 57, of Youngstown, has served as a magistrate in Mahoning County Probate Court since 1993 and maintained a private law practice since 1987. In 1986 and 1987, he was a Youngstown city law clerk.

Belinky, 55, of Youngstown, has a private practice, and has served as a law clerk for the city of Youngstown and the state’s 7th District Court of Appeals. He has 29 years of experience practicing in probate court, according to documents.