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Suggestions will prevent moth damage

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Dear Readers: Did you know that moths can still damage clothing when it is stored? Our friends at the International Fabricare Institute suggest the following to keep moths from damaging your clothing:
Have garments professionally cleaned and treated with moth-proofing solutions before storage.
If home-washing, tumble dry at temperatures above 120 degrees F (if OK for the fabric -- Heloise) to kill larvae.
Freeze garments in individual self-sealing storage bags at 0 degrees F for 48 to 72 hours before storing to kill larvae. (I love this one! -- Heloise)
Use cedar, eucalyptus or lavender products to keep moths away.
Periodically vacuum floors and clean baseboards and walls in storage closets. Heloise
P.S.: If using a natural repellent like lavender, cedar or eucalyptus, remember to be careful that the garments don't touch the sachet, etc. Also, these are repellents -- they do not kill moths.
Dear Heloise: The best hint I've found for getting books back came from my daughters' seventh-grade teacher. As you can imagine, keeping track of books loaned to students is difficult. To make it easier to recognize hers, she took a permanent marker and, holding the book firmly closed, wrote her last name on the side of the book. This method bleeds the ink onto the page a little bit, but makes it very obvious to see, when the book is closed, to whom it belongs. Compared with a name "hidden" inside the front cover, even if the book is resting on a shelf across the room it is easy to see the name on the side. Heidi Gile, via e-mail
Dear Heloise: I hope this tip might help your readers avoid a mistake I have made. Upon receipt of photographs from developers or friends, names and dates should be put on them immediately.
I am in my later senior years and am in the process of sorting a large box of photographs so others might enjoy them. Unfortunately, I have no idea who some of the people and events are. I know only one person who puts names and dates on photos as soon as she receives them. She travels a lot and has an album for each trip. Jewell in Texas
It is best to label photos with a photo pen, available from a photography-supply store. You can't imagine how many letters we get from readers about ink having bled through to the front of photos. Heloise
Dear Heloise: A pizza cutter can serve a dual purpose when used to cut cakes (flat sheet cakes -- Heloise) or rolls. It makes the cutting easier and keeps it from crumbling. It is also quite handy to cut up food for a small child and to cut fudge! Faye, via e-mail
Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to
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