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Here are steps that may relieve foot problems

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Simple home remedies can sometimes solve common flaws.
The average person takes 8,000 to 10,000 steps each day; so keeping your feet pretty takes more than weekly pedicures
Here are a few of the most common foot flaws and sole solutions.
Dry, cracked heels. A common problem, dry, split heels arise from pressure put on the foot, which causes the fat under the heel to expand and tear the skin. Prolonged standing and wearing open-backed shoes are the main culprits. Treat yourself to a foot resurfacing treatment in a podiatrist's office. Feet are first cleansed before they are exfoliated with a blade to remove hard, thick skin deposits. A traditional pedicure uses a pumice stone and should never involve a razor. A chemical peel is then performed leaving feet smooth and soft. Three to four treatments per month are recommended.
Yellow toenails. Toenail discoloration is usually caused by a fungal infection, which is highly contagious and resistant to treatment. Yellow toenails can also be caused by dark nail polish. Mild cases (a faint yellow) can often be treated at home. Start by filing the top and sides of the afflicted nails with an emery board. Then, soak your feet in apple cider vinegar every day for three weeks and follow with an application of Vicks VapoRub or prescription-strength topical cream (if provided by your doctor). For moderate and severe cases -- the nail is overly thick, crumbly, lifting and nearly all yellow -- an oral antifungal prescribed by your dermatologist or podiatrist, such as Lamisil is necessary to clear up the infection.
Pain while wearing heels. Years of walking can disperse or displace the fat in your heels, which acts as a cushion. The average person puts two to three times their body weight on their feet each day. Off-label use of injectables like Restylane, Sculptra and Radiesse can help put the bounce back in your step. A numbing cream is applied to the bottom of the feet before the filler is injected into the weight-baring areas. Since your feet will be numb for a few hours. Restylane usually provides immediate plumping, while Sculptra produces desired results in six to eight weeks. While this treatment yields short-term relief from foot pain, it is not a substitute for surgical treatment that can permanently fix any pain-causing deformity.
Lowdown on shortening
You may have heard of toe shortening, an elective procedure that surgically straightens and shortens the length of the toes by removing portions of the bone. Many women are opting to undergo this surgery for the wrong reasons, simply because their feet do not fit properly into trendy open-toe shoes.
If intense pain and suffering from foot deformities affects you every day, you may be a candidate for some form of foot surgery. It is important to consider the risks associated with this procedure and weigh your options.
After toe shortening, chances are your feet will remain swollen for almost six months, if not longer, since it is hard for the feet to drain fluid. Compression in shoes is virtually impossible and there is a possibility that your toes may appear wider than before.