East-West vulnerable. West deals.

East-West vulnerable. West deals.
Q 8
K 10 2
A 7 5 4
J 7 5 4
10 7 4 3 K J 2
Q J 9 7 3 8 4
Q 8 6 K 10 9 3
8 Q 10 6 3
A 9 6 5
A 6 5
J 2
A K 9 2
The bidding:
Pass Pass 1 1NT
Pass 3NT Pass Pass
Opening lead: Queen of
The skill of the younger bridge players continues to improve. This deal won the award for best-played hand at the European Junior Teams a few years ago. Sitting South was Russia's Marina Kelina.
East's one-club opening bid showed 7-10 points -- a gadget popular with the more adventurous. This time it helped the opponents more than partner. South overcalled one no trump and North's raise to game ended the auction.
West's lead of the queen of hearts was logical but unfortunate. Declarer won in hand with the ace, crossed to dummy by finessing the 10 of hearts and, helped by East's opening bid, led the jack of clubs. East covered with the queen, declarer won with the king and noted West's contribution of the eight.
The king of hearts was the entry for declarer to lead the four of clubs. East followed with the three and declarer played the two from hand! Declarer wrapped up the contract with three heart tricks, four clubs and the aces of spades and diamonds. At the other table, where East stayed out of the auction, the contract failed by two tricks despite the favorable opening lead of the queen of hearts.
& copy;2007 Tribune Media Services
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