Both vulnerable. West deals.

Both vulnerable. West deals.
A 9 4 2
A Q 7
A Q J 4
Q 5
K J 10 8 7
J 10 8 3 6 5 2
K 9 10 8 6 3 2
A 6 3 10 9 8 4
Q 6 5 3
K 9 4
7 5
K J 7 2
The bidding:
1 Dbl Pass 2
Pass 4 Pass Pass
Dbl Pass Pass Pass
Opening lead: Ace of
Would you risk giving away a vulnerable game for 100 points? West did so, to his cost.
East-West were playing a forcing club system combined with five-card majors, hence West's one-diamond opening bid and North's decision to double rather than bid one no trump. South had just enough for a jump response of two spades and North had something to spare for his raise to game. West's double ended the bidding.
Looking to score three trump tricks and the ace of clubs, South attacked with the ace to make sure that trick did not get away. Dummy's ace of spades was somewhat discomfiting and, rather than open another suit, he continued with clubs.
Since West was marked with a minimum opening bid, his double obviously had to be based on a trump stack. South set about preparing for an endplay. Declarer overtook the queen of clubs with the king and finessed the jack of diamonds. When that won he cashed the ace and West's king helped count the hand. Declarer cleared the hearts, ending in hand, and cashed the jack of clubs. That left West with four trumps and one unknown card.
Another club forced West to ruff with the 10 to prevent South from ruffing with one of dummy's low trumps. Declarer discarded dummy's remaining diamond. West exited with his last heart, ruffed low in dummy, and declarer overruffed East's seven with the queen.
South completed West's misery by exiting with a spade and, when West played the jack, he was allowed to hold the trick. West was now forced to lead away from K 8 of trumps into declarer's A 9, and dummy took the last two tricks to wrap up another contract which, more likely than not, would have been defeated without the greedy double.
& copy; 2007 Tribune Media Services
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