Neither vulnerable. North deals.

Neither vulnerable. North deals.
A K 6 2
J 6
A 4 2
Q J 4 3
Q 4 J 10 9 8 7 5
K 10 4 5 3 2
K 10 9 8 7 6 5 Void
7 A 10 9 8
A Q 9 8 7
Q J 3
K 6 5 2
The bidding:
1NT 2 4 Pass
Pass Dbl Pass Pass
Rdbl Pass Pass Pass
Opening lead: Seven of
This deal is from a match between Taipei and New Zealand in the Far East Championship some years ago. It was dealt late in the match, and Taipei was leading by 20 International Match Points and coasting to a comfortable win.
When New Zealand held the North-South hands, they bid easily to three no trump, making nine tricks. In the Vu-Graph room, with the hands displayed on the large screen, the commentators predicted that the result would be the same. Little did they know ...
Here, too, North opened the bidding with one no trump (13-15 points) and East overcalled with two spades. For some reason best known to himself, South bid four hearts! East doubled to ask for a lead other than the suit he bid and North, impressed with the fact that he held two jacks more than a minimum and only a doubleton trump, chose to redouble.
The carnage was great. West led a club to East's ace and the defenders now crossruffed six tricks in the minor suits. The contract was down four doubled and redoubled tricks for 1,600 so, together with the 400 New Zealand scored for making three no trump, they gained 2,000 points, or 19 IMPs. Suddenly, it was a new match.
& copy; 2007 Tribune Media Services
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