Q. As South, vulnerable, you hold:

Q. As South, vulnerable, you hold:
10 7 6 5 2 8 J 7 4 3 10 7 6
Partner opens the bidding with one no trump. What action do you take?
A. Why let partner suffer in one no trump when your hand, barring a miracle, is not going to produce a single trick for him? Bidding two spades has several advantages. In spades, it could produce up to three or four tricks, and you might pre-empt the opponents out of a heart contract. Bid it, or transfer into spades if you have that weapon available.
Q. As South, vulnerable, you hold:
Q 9 5 4 10 8 7 4 3 8 J 6 2
Partner opens the bidding with one no trump. What action do you take?
A. Again, your hand will play better at a suit contract than no trump. However, you cannot afford to probe for a major-suit fit by employing Stayman. Suppose partner responds to two clubs with two diamonds. If you bid a major now, you are inviting game. Forget about spades and bid two hearts, or transfer into hearts if those are your methods.
Q. As South, vulnerable, you hold:
9 8 7 6 J 9 8 2 8 7 6 3 2 Void
Partner opens the bidding with one no trump. What action do you take?
A. You are trickless at no trump, but can score a few tricks at a suit contract. The fact that you have the three highest-ranking suits permits you to probe for your best contract. Bid two clubs, Stayman, and pass any bid partner makes. At the very worst, you will be playing in a 5-2 diamond fit. At best, you will find a 4-4 major-suit fit.
Q. Both vulnerable, as South you hold:
9 8 5 3 10 7 4 2 Void Q 8 7 4 2
Partner opens the bidding with one no trump. What action do you take?
A. No, this is not a repeat of the previous question. Here your void is in diamonds, not clubs. If you use Stayman and partner denies a major by bidding diamonds, you are a dead duck. Pass and hope for the best.
Q. Both vulnerable, as South you hold:
K 3 Q 10 6 5 2 Q 10 5 2 J 3
Partner opens the bidding with one no trump. What do you respond?
A. It depends on your methods. You have invitational values so, if you play transfer bids, transfer into hearts and then bid two no trump. If you don't, bid two clubs, Stayman. If partner shows hearts, raise to three hearts. If partner responds by denying a major, bid two hearts. If partner responds with two spades, bid two no trump.
Q. As South, vulnerable, you hold:
J 7 6 2 A Q 9 3 A J K Q 7
The bidding has proceeded:
1NT Pass 2 Pass
What do you bid now?
A. That depends on your methods. There are three ways to respond. In order of popularity, they are: 1) bid spades first; 2) bid hearts first; 3) bid your stronger major. We don't mind which method you choose, as long as you and your partner are on the same page. Make sure you have an agreement.
& copy;2007 Tribune Media Services
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