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Both vulnerable. North deals.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Both vulnerable. North deals.
A Q 10 8 6
J 9 8
A Q 6 4 3
K J 9 7 4 2
10 8 7 4 K J 6 3
Q 7 5 4 2 A 6
9 K 10 8 2
5 3
A Q 9 5 2
K 10 3
J 7 5
The bidding:
1 Pass 1NT Pass
2 Pass 2 Pass
3 Pass 3 Pass
3NT Pass Pass Pass
Opening lead: Four of
This deal is from an international team event. After virtually identical sequences, both Souths ended in three no trump and received a low diamond lead. The results at the two tables were miles apart.
At both tables South responded to partner's one-spade opening bid with a forcing no trump. Both Souths liked their three-card fragment headed by the jack in partner's second suit so bid aggressively and became declarer at three no trump.
At both tables the opening lead was a diamond to the ace, a diamond back taken by the queen and declarer's king of diamonds was removed. Both declarers led a club to the queen, and here the defense parted ways.
At one table East won the king of clubs and returned the suit, declarer's jack winning. Declarer led a low spade to the 10 and, when that won, continued by cashing the ace of clubs and throwing East on lead with a club. The heart return was taken with the king, a spade was led to the jack and queen and the ace was cashed. When the suit split, declarer was home free with five spades, one heart one diamond and three clubs.
At the other table East allowed the queen of clubs to win! Since declarer could not permit West to gain the lead, he played for a doubleton king by cashing the ace. Try as he might, declarer could come to no more than six tricks!
& copy; 2007 Tribune Media Services
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