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North-South vulnerable. South deals.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

North-South vulnerable. South deals.
A 5 4 3
A 4 3 2
K 7 5
Q 3
10 8 7 6 J 2
K Q 8 7 6 5 J 9
6 Q 10 9 8 3 2
5 2 A J 4
K Q 9
A J 4
K 10 9 8 7 6
The bidding:
1 2 Dbl Pass
3 Pass 3 Pass
3 Pass 4 Pass
Pass Pass
Opening lead: King of
Optimally, the object of the auction is to locate a 4-4 or better fit in a major. If one is not available, three no trump is the next best game. The minor suits, where you require 11 tricks for game, are the orphans of contract. However, a 4-3 major fit, named after its most ardent proponent, the late editor of "The Bridge World," Alphonse Moyse Jr., can be quite adequate, as this deal illustrates.
After two natural bids, North's double was "negative" -- for takeout, not penalties. South rebid his six-card club suit, North cue-bid hearts and South introduced his three-card spades. North proceeded to game in the major knowing full well that his partner held only three spades -- with a four-card suit, South would have bid two spades, not three clubs, at his second turn.
West led the king of hearts, taken by dummy's ace. Declarer came to hand with the king of spades and led a club to the queen and ace. East returned his remaining heart and declarer ruffed with the nine. Declarer crossed to the king of diamonds and led a club, finessing the 10.
The queen of spades was cashed and when declarer led the king of clubs, West ruffed and declarer discarded one of dummy's hearts. Declarer was now in charge. West could cash a heart for the defense's third and last trick. Dummy could ruff the next heart and draw the last trump, and declarer's hand was high with the ace of diamonds as the entry.
& copy; 2007 Tribune Media Services
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