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You could be a loser if you try to claim your winnings

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

You could be a loser if you try to claim your winnings
I recently received a letter from the International Promotion/Prize Award Department of Madrid, Spain, telling me that I have won 715,810 in the La Primitiva Sweepstake Lottery Programme. And they ask that I keep this award from public notice until the claim has been processed.
To begin the claim, I must call Foreign Service Manager Estrella Seguridad in Madrid, Spain and give the bank account number that I wish the money to be deposited in.
First of all, I never entered a foreign lottery. Second, if I give them my bank account number (to deposit my winnings?), I am sure they would wipe out not only my checking account but my savings account as well.
I took this letter to the post office and they were not at all interested in the fact that the stamp had not even been canceled or that this is a blatant mail fraud, not to mention a felony to defraud elderly citizens.
I am sure that I am not the only person who received this phony lottery-winning letter and I only hope that nobody fell for it and lost all the money from their bank accounts. How is it that the postal service delivers this obviously fraudulent material?
It's time to stand up for America and its Constitution
Mexican officials are making threats against the United States because of our plans to construct a fence along our common border. They are threatening to seek United Nations intervention to prevent construction. Therein lies the problem, the clash between the Constitution and the U.N. Charter.
The Constitution clearly trumps the U.N. Charter, but we actually have some elected officials who think that a treaty can have some superiority over the Constitution. I can't believe that elected officials of our government who are there to uphold the Constitution, don't even understand it.
Article IV, Section 4 provides that the United States shall protect each state against invasion. If they don't think that 12 to 20 million illegal aliens isn't an invasion, they should go get a job elsewhere (preferably Mexico).
When is our government going to realize that we are being taken over from within. They allow outsourcing of our jobs, they allow communist countries to put us in a trade deficit that will never turn in our favor. So-called free trade agreements with countries that hate us, don't work and never will. I won't even get into the outsourcing of health care and the so called prescription drug plan with the donut hole.
I just wish that our elected government officials would finally realize that it's time to take care of America, to get out of the United Nations and scrap those so-called free trade agreements.
Send no more troops and no more money to Iraq
President Bush wanting more troops and money in Iraq is wrong. He is just worrying about what history will say about him. He wants to win an unwinnable war. We do not want any more of our people killed or maimed. We do not want anymore Iraqis killed.
We can use these billions of dollars that we owe China for this war, on our cities and schools, etc. Please, no more troops or money to Iraq. It will take generations to repay back all this money.