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Birth of Jesus is promise of peace

Saturday, December 22, 2007

This is the season of joy and peace, yet sadly there are many people who are feeling hopeless, weary and lonely. During a time when hearts should overflow with love and giving, for some it is just a time of pain and sadness.

The joy that the birth of Christ brings can get lost among the shopping and business of the season. When God sent his one and only Son to this earth, he did it to bring light and salvation to a lost and dying world. He sent Jesus to walk this earth with us to give us his strength to overcome our problems.

Jesus came to give us an abundant life that lacks no good thing. His birth brought us a promise that can never be taken away. It is a promise that those who believe in him would have a life with a purpose and a reward that will never end. Pain and struggles can never destroy those who have been set free through Christ. He alone can open doors to your impossible situations and cause all things to be used for your good.

Believers now have authority in Christ over all obstacles from the enemy. Through Jesus you are now more than a conqueror because he has overcome the world. You only need to trust that he can and will be with you in all of your problems. Your failures do not stop his love and your troubles can not stop his perfect plan for your life.

His birth signified a pledge to bring you peace no matter what you may be going through. Jesus is the Word of God and the light of this world who will never fail you. He willingly left the splendor of heaven to come to this earth knowing that we would reject him. Yet his love was so great that he chose to walk with us and be crucified to bring us peace with God and eternity with him forever.

If the joy of this season is overcome by a situation in your life which is causing you pain and sadness, please remember that the hope that Jesus brings is not just for some situations. The peace he promised to leave us is sufficient to meet any need and to take you through any storm in your life. His power is strong enough to safely take you through all circumstances and to give you joy in the midst of your struggle. He knew your name and loved you long before you were born. He has plans to prosper you and give you a future despite your weaknesses.

He is faithful to make a way for you even when the road is closed.

Most importantly, he will never leave you to carry your burden alone. In Matthew 28:20, Jesus says, “And surely I am with you always, even to the very end of the age.”

Your situation is never hopeless when you have Christ in your heart. He is able to heal any sorrow your have and give you the assurance that his love will comfort you in your pain.

This season, keep in your heart the truth that Jesus is the only gift that you need. He is the source of your strength and the power to restore you in all ways. His gift of life is free for the asking. His love will never fail you and his peace will keep you as you begin a new year. 

Take heart for the Savior is born!

XMarianne B. Lordi attends Highway Tabernacle in Austintown.