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Vick’s future lies in the hands of the judge

Sunday, August 26, 2007

The NFL has already suspended him indefinitely without pay.

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Michael Vick can only hope he will get more leniency from the judge than he did from the NFL.

Roger Goodell’s letter informing the Atlanta Falcons quarterback of his suspension reads almost like a goodbye, the NFL commissioner doing nothing to hide his disgust and his disdain.

A similar reaction by U.S. District Judge Henry E. Hudson, who will be presented with Vick’s plea agreement Monday, could mean years in prison.

In court papers, Vick admitted bankrolling “Bad Newz Kennels” and participating in the killing of dogs in the dogfighting operation. But he tried to deflect much of his culpability in the grisly enterprise onto his friends.

That didn’t deter Goodell, who was quick to hold Vick responsible, suspending him indefinitely and without pay Friday from the job that made him a millionaire and a superstar. The decision, on the brink of season opener, left the Falcons without their headline player.

Placed blame on Vick

Goodell made it forcefully clear Vick wasn’t helping himself by trying to pawn off blame on his three co-defendants in the case.

“You are now justifiably facing consequences for the decisions you made and the conduct in which you engaged. Your career, freedom and public standing are now in the most serious jeopardy,” Goodell wrote.

The portrait of Vick as a person who enjoyed the heinous blood sport has fueled protests by animal-rights activists and destroyed his image, prompting sponsors to dump him.

After initially denying his involvement, the 27-year-old player has said little publicly about the case. Privately, he met with Goodell and Falcons owner Arthur Blank when the investigation was just beginning, and lied to both.

Vick’s defense attorney, Billy Martin, said Vick will “explain his actions” publicly, but did not say when. The “Tom Joyner Morning Show,” a syndicated program based in Dallas, said it will have a live interview with Vick Tuesday, and he will take questions from callers.

Judge has final word

No matter what Vick says or doesn’t say, the final word rests with Hudson, a judge whose household includes a Bison Friche, a white powder puff of a dog.

As he emphasized to Vick’s co-defendants when they agreed to their plea deals, Hudson is not bound by a prosecutor’s recommendations or by sentencing guidelines.

Vick will plead guilty to conspiracy to travel in interstate commerce in aid of unlawful activities and to sponsor a dog in an animal-fighting venture. Prosecutors will suggest a term of 12 to 18 months, but Hudson could give him five years, or more. The sentencing likely will be set before the end of the year.

His lawyers say they will try to minimize Vick’s involvement.

“Our position has been that we are going to try to help Judge Hudson understand all the facts and Michael’s role,” Martin said. “Michael’s role was different than others associated with this incident.”

That role has been widely and loudly debated on sports talk radio, TV and football stadiums around the country.

Even before Vick admitted to his participation in the brutal sport, animal-rights groups protested outside NFL headquarters, Falcons camp and the federal court.

Nike, Reebok severe ties

Nike severed its ties with him Friday, Reebok already has stopped selling his jersey and is accepting refunds for it. Upper Deck removed his card from its 2007 collection.

Reaction to the case largely has been divided along racial lines. Most of those defending Vick are black supporters; protesters have been predominantly white.

Black officials in Surry County got hate mail accusing them of dragging their feet on a local investigation to protect one of their own, and even the prosecutor there suggested race and profile were motives when the feds got involved.

The Atlanta chapter of the NAACP, which urged the public not to prematurely judge Vick, came to his defense again this week, saying he should be allowed to pursue his football career after serving his sentence.

In Vick’s old neighborhood, he’s seen as someone who never forgot his roots.

After deciding to enter the NFL draft, he picked the Boys & Girls Club where he spent much of his youth to make the announcement, remembering how it shaped his life.

A few months ago, mentor James “Poo” Johnson called Vick to ask if he could get some equipment for a Boys & Girls Club tournament. Vick sent the stuff along and provided school supplies and air conditioners to needy residents in the city.

His lawyers hope those stories showing Vick’s better side will have sway.