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Grand jury receives home-invasion case

Monday, August 20, 2007

Grand jury receives
home-invasion case

YOUNGSTOWN — The home-invasion case against 28-year-old Derrick Harmon, aka Harman, of Eastway Drive was bound over to a Mahoning County grand jury from municipal court. Harmon is accused of using a gun to force his way into a Belden Avenue home in June, where he was overpowered by the homeowner and shot and slashed with an ax. He is charged with aggravated burglary, aggravated robbery and two counts of felonious assault.

Farmers market

HOWLAND — The township’s first farmers market will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday at Howland High School. Vendors should bring their own tables, chairs and/or tents. For free registration, vendors must call Rachael at (330) 856-2340.

Energy assistance

YOUNGSTOWN — The Mahoning-Youngstown Community Action Partnership is taking appointments for its Home Energy Assistance/Summer Cooling Program. The program, which runs through Aug. 31, offers free air conditioners and financial assistance with electric bills for those meeting the requirements. Eligible parties can receive an air conditioner if they have not received a new one in three years, and up to $175 toward their electric bills. To be eligible, applicants must be homeowners or renters, and they must report their total household income for the past three months for all members 18 years and older. Appointments can be scheduled by calling (866) 223-1125.

Red Cross volunteers

BOARDMAN — The Mahoning Chapter of the American Red Cross First Aid Corps is looking for volunteers to help at the Canfield Fair. Last year, 433 people were treated at the fair for everything from dehydration to bee stings.

Volunteers must have received first aid certification no more than three years ago. To sign up to participate or for more information call the Red Cross at (330) 726-6063.

New school year,
new math books

MINERAL RIDGE — Weathersfield Board of Education has approved the purchase of $80,972 in new math books for the 2007-2008 school year. Superintendent Michael Hanshaw explained that the district is on a five-year cycle per subject area for purchasing updated books. The books include an additional $20,000 in free materials for the middle school, including extra books and a projector and “smart board,” which can be connected to a computer or used as a display board for computer-provided information or created text. Books were purchased for grades one through 12, and aside from math course books for the lower grades, grades nine-12 will also receive algebra I, pre-algebra, geometry, algebra II and pre-calculus books.

Fire department grant

STRUTHERS — The fire department has been awarded a $82,783 grant to purchase safety equipment. The department won the competitive grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s fire administration department. The money will be used to purchase new self-contained breathing apparatuses and face masks for the department.