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Expo aims to educate potential homeowners

Sunday, April 29, 2007

YOUNGSTOWN -- Buy Into Youngstown, a nonprofit organization that assists individuals in becoming city homeowners, is hosting the third annual Buy Into Youngstown Home Expo from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday at the Choffin Career and Technical Center, 200 E. Wood St.
Representatives from Sky Bank, Key Bank, Farmers National Bank, Home Saving, National City Bank, First Place Bank, Youngstown-Warren Realist Association, Catholic Charities and more will be available at the event to discuss various topics and roles of potential homeowners to buy a home within the city.
The activities are designed to provide awareness of the benefits that Buy Into Youngstown can provide, teach potential homeowners how to shop for a home, use their credit wisely, and understand the mortgage-loan process.
Statistics show that Ohio's No. 1 reason for foreclosure in 2006 was that consumers were not receiving the necessary education on the responsibilities of homeownership.
Mahoning County was rated the sixth-highest of Ohio's 88 counties for foreclosures. Buy Into Youngstown's homeowners' counseling and workshops include avoiding foreclosure, timely payments, record keeping, credit report, predatory lenders and more.