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Friday, September 8, 2006

This and that from the world of Valley politics.
DEBATE WRAP: Here's a quick summary of the gubernatorial debate for those who didn't see it -- and it being broadcast at noon on a weekday, I'm sure there weren't many watching the event.
Republican J. Kenneth Blackwell repeatedly said Ted Strickland, his Democratic opponent, was a tax-and-spend liberal. Strickland countered that Blackwell was an ultraconservative who is out of touch with voters.
They were both rather bland and spoke in generalities. Most polls show Strickland with a comfortable lead and Blackwell, who is an excellent public speaker, needed to display superior oratory skills against the Democrat. That didn't happen.
With two months to go before Election Day, Strickland is well ahead in the polls. The debate did little good to help Blackwell in his uphill struggle.