North-South vulnerable. North deals.

North-South vulnerable. North deals.
K J 5
J 10 3
K Q 10 9
8 7 2 9 6 4 3
8 7 6 3 2 A 9
9 8 5 7 6 4 2
8 7 A J 2
Q 10 5
Q 10 4
6 5 4 3
The bidding:
1 Pass 2NT Pass
4NT Pass Pass Pass
Opening lead: Three of
Knowing partner holds a Yarborough can be of help in the defense. East used the knowledge to lure declarer into losing the contract, which was a strong favorite.
Since North's hand was a whisker too good for a 15-17 one no trump, he selected one club as his opening bid. South's jump to two no trump was textbook. North's four no trump was not ace-asking but an invitational raise in no trump and South, with a minimum for his jump response, respectfully declined.
With a hand that contained no possible entry, we would not have chosen to lead fourth-best from a long suit that could not be put to use, although that probably did not have much to do with play. Since East could account for every high card, he saw no reason to set up tricks for declarer and inserted the nine, losing to declarer's 10.
South elected to start on clubs, leading up to the table's honors. When declarer called for dummy's queen, East followed low smoothly. Declarer returned to hand with a diamond and, confident that he could set up the suit losing only to West's ace, continued with a club, going up with the king when West followed with the eight. When that lost to the ace, South was in trouble.
Back came a diamond, and declarer had to set up both hearts and clubs to come to 10 tricks, East won the club return with the jack and removed declarer's remaining diamond stopper. When East gained the lead with the ace of hearts, he was able to cash the 13th diamond for a one-trick set.
& copy;2006 Tribune Media Services
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