HISTORY | Imperial succession

Japan's imperial succession dilemma from its last reigning empress to first male heir in 41 years.
1763 -- Last reigning empress Gosakuramachi assumes the throne.
1947 -- Succession law limits sitting monarchs to male descendants of an emperor.
1965 -- Prince Akishino, then-Crown Prince Akihito's second-eldest son, is born.
1990 -- Akishino marries former schoolmate Kiko Kawashima.
1991 -- Princess Kiko gives birth to first daughter, Mako.
1993 -- Crown Prince Naruhito, first in line to the throne, marries former diplomat Masako Owada.
1994 -- Kiko gives birth to second daughter, Kako.
1999 -- Crown Princess Masako suffers miscarriage amid intense media attention over first pregnancy.
2001 -- Masako gives birth to daughter, Aiko.
2005 -- Japanese government announces plan to submit bill to let women ascend imperial throne.
Feb. 7, 2006 -- Imperial Household Agency announces Kiko's pregnancy.
Feb. 10, 2006 -- Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi says he will postpone planned succession legislation.
Sept. 6, 2006 -- Kiko delivers boy by Caesarean section, first heir to Chrysanthemum Throne in 41 years.
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