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Past wars show that victory comes at a high cost

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Past wars show that victory comes at a high cost
On a recent visit the Wade Park V.A. Hospital in Cleveland, I had the opportunity to observe large photographs lining the walls of the "Purple Hall, & quot; so named because of the wall color.
The pictures were taken during World War II battles. One of the photos was taken during the invasion of the Japanese-held island of Saipan, less than 1,500 miles from Tokyo. The caption reads "Victory was gained after fierce fighting that cost nearly 10,000 American casualties in the first two weeks of the invasion, 15 June-9 July, 1944."
Another photo was taken at the Battle of Okinawa. "From 1 April-2 July, 1945, Marine forces suffered 125 casualties in 8 hours crossing a draw known as Death Valley."
Put these numbers, plus thousands more, in perspective as our allied forces fought a uniformed enemy in the Pacific Theater. Add those figures to the thousands of men who gave the ultimate sacrifice training for and participating in the D-Day invasion, plus thousands more in battles elsewhere fighting a uniformed force in the European theater.
Compare those numbers to the total lost in the past five years fighting an enemy who often has no uniform nor can they be identified as such using their terrorist tactics.
This is not to diminish the tragic loss of life of the brave volunteers who are fighting, as we speak, to maintain the freedoms we enjoy on a daily basis. Any war is a terrible happening. Had we had today's Congress in the early 1940s, our national language might be either Japanese or German. If we lose this war, it will not be English.
Keep these thoughts in mind as you cast your vote in the up-coming election. Think seriously about who is supporting those protecting us or those, who by their words and deeds, are aiding those who have promised to destroy us and our way of life. We are fighting a war not only with the enemy without, but the enemy within as well.
If, following the November election, there are celebrations throughout the world, as well as in the United States, as there were after the 9/11/01 attack, then they will have won the war and, in time to come, this is a doomed nation.
Think about this: If our sworn enemies could vote on Nov. 7, which candidates would receive their votes? Don't vote on party lines, but for those who truly care about us and not about their political careers.
Hubbard can bring money back from Columbus
My husband and I along with my Mom attended a town meeting for information concerning Hubbard's new schools. It was very informative.
I have no children in our school system at the present time. Eric graduated in 1987 and is currently a forecast analyst-demand manager in Cleveland and Chris graduated in 1990 and is a head physical therapist in Pittsburgh. They both attended Hubbard schools from kindergarten through 12th grade.
The 40 million from the state to help pay for the new schools is our money that we have paid into the state in the past. We need to bring it back to Hubbard. If we don't, the funding will go to another school district. It is ours and belongs to us.
For the cost of replacing an obsolete, 80-year-old elementary school, the community would be able to replace all three buildings.
The new schools would provide Hubbard students with spacious, well-lighted and ventilated classrooms that meet modern learning and construction standards. The state of Ohio talks about all yearlong schooling and if this comes about, our students will need the well ventilated, air-conditioned classrooms.
The money from the state belongs to us anyway, so why not bring it back to Hubbard. My Mom, who is 87, says, "Someone paid for my education and now it is my turn to help pay for our children."
Vote yes on Nov. 7.