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Q. As South, vulnerable, you hold:

Monday, October 23, 2006

Q. As South, vulnerable, you hold:
A Q 9 K 10 6 5 A 10 6 5 4 2
The bidding has proceeded:
1 Pass 2 Pass
2 Pass ?
What do you bid now?
A. You should be thinking in terms of a possible slam, so no heart raise adequately describes your holding. Start by bidding two spades.
Q. Both vulnerable, as South you hold:
10 8 4 8 7 6 A Q 10 A J 10 6
The bidding has proceeded:
1 1 Pass ?
What do you bid now?
A. Cue-bid two hearts. That shows a limit raise or better in support of partner's spades.
Q. Vulnerable, as South you hold:
A 10 7 A A 10 9 7 2 10 9 5 3
The bidding has proceeded:
Pass Pass 1 Pass
2 Pass ?
What do you bid now?
A. Despite only 12 high-card points, you have a tremendous hand for partner -- three aces, four-card trump support and a singleton. We would invite game by jumping to four clubs.
Q. Both vulnerable, as South you hold:
Q J 6 5 Q J 6 J 8 7 2 K Q
Partner opens the bidding with one spade. What do you respond?
A. If you play limit raises, this hand with its soft 12 points qualifies for a jump to three spades. If you play that as forcing, you have to temporize with two diamonds and then raise spades at your next turn.
Q. Both vulnerable, as South you hold:
Q J 9 5 3 10 7 6 K 8 A 8 4
The bidding has proceeded:
1 Pass 1 Pass
2 Pass ?
What do you bid now?
A. There are two obvious choices: three hearts or two no trump. Because the king of diamonds might need to be protected from a lead through, we have a slight preference for two no trump.
Q. Neither vulnerable, as South you hold:
8 A K 6 Q 9 6 5 A Q 10 8 3
The bidding has proceeded:
1 Pass 1 Pass
What do you bid now?
A. A simple raise is sufficient. Unless partner can act again, the possibility of missing a game is slight. Also, the jump could make it difficult to investigate three no trump as landing spot.
& copy;2006 Tribune Media Services
Copyright 2006 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.