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Simple tips will make holidays a fun time for families

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Focus on a few activities each day instead of trying to do everything at once.
As we approach the home stretch of the year, the holidays are in full swing. If you're like most of us mere mortals, you're scrambling to get it all done in the little time remaining.
Don't let the mad holiday dash (sprint is probably more like it) unleash your inner bah-humbug. It is possible to get everything done, yes even in the time that's left, and still enjoy yourself and your loved ones. Keep your holidays happy with these simple tips.
Sarah says: 'Stay focused'
With everything that needs to get accomplished during the holiday season, it's often a good idea to simplify your to-do list. By focusing on a few activities each day, you will actually be able to do more than if you tried to take care of everything all at once.
To keep myself focused, I schedule five minutes each morning to set up my goals for the upcoming day. By focusing on a few reasonable tasks, not only am I able to accomplish my goals, but more importantly, I am able to get them done well.
Alicia says: 'Keep it fun'
Sometimes, during this time of the year, we are often so busy that we forget the true meaning of holidays -- spending quality time with the ones we love.
With this in mind, I make sure to schedule one day each weekend that is just for the important stuff -- having fun with my family. Whether it is a day designated for ice-skating and hot chocolate, or catching the new holiday flick on the big screen, my husband and I always leave one day each week to enjoy with our daughter. Sure the parties and gifts are a great part of the holiday season, but nothing beats a few days of fun with loved ones.
Stay relaxed this holiday season with these three tips:
Don't forget yourself. Despite the gifts you have to wrap, the meals you have to plan, and the parties you have to attend, don't forget to take care of a very important person -- yourself! Just because the holidays are a time for giving, doesn't mean you have to neglect your own personal needs. So this holiday season make it a habit to do one nice thing for yourself. And if you have the need to give as well as receive, invite a few close friends along for the treat as well. Chances are, they will need a little bit of pampering just like you do!
De-stress for success. Even though the holidays are the most joyous time of the year, they can sometimes leave even the best of us a little frazzled. So this year, while you are caught up in holiday cheer, give yourself a few minutes each day to de-stress. Whether it be a five minute walk, calling up an old friend, or simply giving a giant hug to a loved one, do one thing each day that will leave you feeling stress-free and content. By doing so, it will sure help to balance the rest of your day, no matter how long you will have on those lines at the mall.
A note (or two) of thanks. Before we can bring in the New Year cheer, there is one last holiday component everyone must take care of -- saying thanks! Instead of waiting until well after the gifts have been opened, and getting stuck with a store's last licks, pick up a few boxes of thank you cards while you are out purchasing your holiday gifts. Having the cards on hand will keep you motivated to take care of them sooner than later; something you'll surely thank yourself for once they are signed, sealed and delivered.