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Food trivia questions from Food Network's "Unwrapped."
1. Do Americans eat the most sugar in the world?
2. Clove gum was popular in 1934. What was the main reason?
3. What was the first chewing gum that was mass marketed in the United States?
4. When were bundt pans introduced in the United States?
5. What are major "chocolate holidays"?
6. What flaky dessert dates back to the Eighth century?
7. Which nation originated baklava?
8. Peanut pioneer George Washington Carver developed more than 300 uses for peanuts. What were two of the most unusual uses?
9. What does phyllo mean in Greek?
10. What do many people consider the perfect food when it's chilly and rainy outside?
1. No. People in Denmark eat the most sweets -- 33 pounds per person each year.
2. Prohibition has just been repealed and clove gum masked the alcohol aroma in their mouths.
3. Blackjack chewing gum was introduced in 1838.
4. In 1950 as a duplicate for the German kugelhopf pan
5. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine's Day and Easter
6. Baklava
7. Both Greece and Lebanon claim to be the originators
8. Shoe polish and shaving cream
9. Leaf
10. Chili