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Saturday, May 27, 2006

Beautiful soul dwellsin Anthony Lariccia
If there is anyone more deserving than Anthony Lariccia to receive the accolades given him in Joe Scalzo's May 17th column, I would be at a loss in knowing who that person might be.
I believe Anthony Lariccia is a very great man and not because of his wealth. I believe he is great because of his love for God and family and for his wisdom, his values, his love for his fellow man and for the dedication he continues by helping to enrich the life of others.
To me his is living proof that a wise person does that which is wise and a fool does that which is foolish.
Anyone who can inspire and help to make the dreams and goals realized by others is a great person and leader.
One can only wonder at the number of lives that have been made better because of his wisdom and generosity.
I was raised to believe a beautiful soul is kept alive by loving God, our fellow man, good thoughts, a loving heart, and a helping, compassionate nature.
I believe such a soul dwells in Anthony Lariccia, and by enriching the lives of others his life will be further enriched and deservedly so.
Mary Lou Jurina
Booster was Chaneyfootball's best friend
The Chaney football program has been dealt a tremendous loss. Joe Wilson has passed away at the age of 65. He was our program's best friend. For the past fifteen years, he had dedicated his life to the players and coaches of Chaney High School.
It would be impossible in this space to list everything that Joe did for our kids, but I can assure you that no one in any program has ever done more.
Whatever had to be done to help our guys, Joe would step to the plate like a proud parent and deliver. From providing our players with food and drink, to raising money, to offering encouraging words of wisdom about the Chaney tradition, Joe was always there for all of us.
During one of our last visits, Joe actually apologized to me for not being able to help with the golf outing that he orchestrated for the past fourteen years. Such was the make-up of a great friend and a great man.
I will never forget Joe Wilson and I will never allow this program to forget him. I know that he will continue to watch over us, and I know that God has welcomed him into heaven for the rest he so surely deserves.
Ron Berdis
The writer is football coach at Chaney High.
Coach's contributionsdescribed with bias
The recent letter, "A hard-working, loyal coach is treated badly in LaBrae," paints an accurate picture of the contributions of former volleyball coach Denny Seger.
As a teacher and coach in the LaBrae School District for the past five years, I had the opportunity to know and work with Coach Seger.
He did indeed have the best interest of the students and athletes at heart. He like many other coaches and volunteers in all of our athletic programs often went above and beyond the call of duty.
However, as accurate as this article is in those respects, the conclusions of the author, Cristina R. Pinter, are a product of personal bias and distance from the programs she is writing about.
Nowhere in her letter does Ms. Pinter let readers know that she is Mr. Seger's daughter. While that fact does not change the facts of the article, it does indicate a certain bias on her part and an indication that perhaps she is writing of events from Coach Seger's perspective.
Lastly, Ms. Pinter mentions the hiring of the new varsity coach, a teacher who applied for the job. This school employee, as state in the teachers' contract, would have first opportunity to apply for the job, if indeed she is qualified -- and she is by virtue of her past coaching experience and success -- she would get the job..
The virtues of having teachers work as coaches and run extracurricular activities, interacting with students and parents outside the classroom, are too numerous to list here. This principle is fundamental to the role of athletics as a part of the educational process.
As I began, I would like to praise our former volleyball coach rather than bury him. However, when a letter is issued from a biased source that casts my school district in such a bad light, I feel the need to respond.
I will gladly tell anyone who would listen how lucky I was to be hired into the LaBrae school district. From the day I was hired, I have been treated fairly and allowed to grow as educator, a professional, and a coach.
Our school has been rated as "effective" by the State of Ohio, our graduating seniors have generated scholarship and financial aid awards in the millions of dollars, and our school district is financially in the black.
Our staff goes above and beyond the call by coordinating school functions and extracurricular activities, coaching athletic teams. Our students work hard in the classroom, and our school is well run, disciplined and efficient.
I am personally sorry to see Mr. Seger leave LaBrae. However, that does not excuse the laying of blame where none exists, public exercises of bias, or not telling the whole story.
John Wolford
English Teacher
LaBrae High School
Animosity aboundson board of education
What could possibly motivate members of the LaBrae Board of Education to speak out publicly against the very people they promised to represent while campaigning? By acting on her own in violation of board policy, Ms. Roth has, in effect, made herself a friendly witness for any plaintiff of a potential lawsuit that could arise from the demolition project. What positive results could possibly arise from Ms. Roth's and Ms. Crowder's statements to the Tribune in the articles printed May 15 and May 16? How does it benefit the community to speak out against the very institution they were elected to represent?
Perhaps the answers to those questions could be found by analyzing the motivations behind negative campaign statements both made about and toward Superintendent Ron Joseph and other administrators. Regardless of the answers to these perplexing problems, the fact remains that, after 30 years of teaching in the LaBrae School District, I have never witnessed animosity and vitriol at the level it presently exists. The dissension at board meetings has never been greater. Is this the face that this community wants to present to surrounding communities?
If not, then the time has come for those not involved with this present highly public coalition to attend school board meetings and listen to both sides of these issues. If someone does not take a stand soon, our fine school system will soon be facing the same problems and sharing the same reputation as school systems not so far down the road.
Ray Isco
The writer is a teacher at LaBrae High School.