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Hurricane evacuees in San Antonio were glad for jackets

Monday, March 27, 2006

Dear Heloise: When San Antonio welcomed thousands of evacuees from Hurricane Katrina in September, donations were being accepted by the Salvation Army.
We approached with 250 lined, wind-resistant sports jackets. The temperature was 95 degrees, with no relief in sight. We asked, "Please don't accept the jackets if they won't be used." Quite the opposite -- the air conditioning in the giant buildings was so cold, they actually had many requests for coats. Those colorful, fashionable garments quickly went out of stock in San Antonio. Smitty and Dottie, San Antonio
You never know what might be useful! I'd like to take a few lines to compliment and send a big ol' Texas-size "thank you" to all who helped out in my home city -- San Antonio -- and across this country. Heloise
Dear Readers: Fingernail polish is versatile and not just for painting nails. You can identify things with colored polish and repair items with clear polish. Try these other uses for fingernail polish. For colored polish:
Identify the VCR/DVD button that is hard to find.
Note levels for measuring amounts in buckets or cups.
Indicate a light switch that needs to be left on.
Show the lineup of arrows on childproof medicine bottles.
Highlight the start of the washer's rinse cycle on the dial.
And here are some uses for clear nail polish:
Stop runs in stockings.
Mend a small hole in a window or door screen by applying several layers of polish.
Glue a thread tail on a machine-sewn button so it won't fall off. Heloise
Dear Heloise: Irreplaceable wedding pictures stuck to the glass in the frame? If the photos were professionally taken, the photographer usually keeps the negatives and can simply make new prints. If not, there's the possibility that you can have a photo taken of the stuck photo, or even try scanning the photo on a color scanner. It would be worth checking with the photographer (hopefully, the photographer is still in business). Bill Resman, Litchfield, Minn.
Dear Heloise: When my mother would have her annual party, she had a nifty idea for the punch made with fizzy/fruity soda. She would use lemonade, frozen in a small tube pan and with cherries in the bottom, as an ice cube. That way, the ice cube wouldn't dilute the punch (can't have that!), and it also looked pretty. Lisa, San Antonio
Dear Heloise: I have a new pet peeve. It seems to be happening more and more often. I dislike it when I have a full grocery cart and am placing items on the checkout counter, and the person behind me in line starts putting her items on the counter, too. If it was just a few heavy items, I could understand, but lately people seem to unload their cart before I am finished with my items. Simi Valley, Calif., resident
Send a great hint to: Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000, Fax: (210) HELOISE or E-mail:
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