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Police sergeant accuses another in document-alteration case

Thursday, March 23, 2006

BAZETTA -- A police sergeant has accused another police sergeant of altering a document.
The complaint of changing a Public Employees Retirement System document was filed by Sgt. Nick Papalas against Sgt. Tom Miller.
Police Chief Charles Sayers said Wednesday that the allegation is being investigated by the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation because "it's rather serious."
Miller is vice president of the Bazetta Police Union, which is affiliated with the Fraternal Order of Police; and Papalas is union secretary.
Sayers said Miller was working afternoon turn and wanted to change to work the night turn, which Papalas was working.
Papalas, the chief said, wanted to remain on the night shift. After a Jan. 26 hearing, Miller won the right to work the shift of choice because of his seniority.
Papalas then filed a request for all of Miller's personnel records. After receiving the records, Papalas filed the complaint with the police department that one of Miller's documents was altered.
The chief declined to say what was reportedly changed because it is part of the investigation.