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When it comes to fantasies, critics of President Bush have more to say

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Bravo to William Huntington for his letter taking issue with the writer who suggested Democrats were living in a fantasy world. He hit many nails on the head, but let me add a few to the list of George W. Bush and Republican fantasy-world items.
One is the proclamation that he is fighting for democracy in the Middle East while fighting terrorism at home. And how does Bush carry on these two fights? He does so by ignoring the law that Congress passed regarding gathering foreign intelligence and by ignoring the Constitution regarding the getting of warrants from a court before conducting searches on American citizens. Getting a warrant for a phone tap is not an undue burden on the executive branch. You can't promote democracy abroad and preserve it at home by violating one of the basic tenets of liberty and democracy -- the rule of law. Remember that after the German Reichstag was burned, Hitler suspended the rights of the German people and did it in the name of protecting them from the enemies of the state.
Let see how President Bush will solve the crisis in the cost of health care? Easy, allow people to set up health care savings accounts. And where in his fantasy world do people making minimum wages (unadjusted for inflation in years) come up with the extra money they are to put in this account? If it is to be from tax cuts, these are the type of people who are making so little as to not pay taxes and who get earned income credit. They are the same people who are having trouble paying the current record prices for gasoline, home heating oil and natural gas. Even if those people could find the money to put in such an account, just how does that address (or decrease) health care cost inflation rates that is so much greater than general inflation?
How will the president and the GOP solve the prescription drug issue for senior citizens? First, hide the true cost from Congress. Then create a system so complex that the vast majority of participants cannot understand it. And finally do not allow the government to demand competition between the pharmaceutical companies or reduced prices for quantity purchasing. And they want us to think they have done something great for seniors and haven't given a windfall to their big business, campaign donating, drug company buddies.
The final fantasy is that George W. Bush will lead us to freedom from foreign energy sources. That will happen only if there is a way for his energy industry friends to continue making the same record profits they did last year.