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Neither vulnerable. North deals.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Neither vulnerable. North deals.
10 9 6 3
A 7
A K 7 5 4 3
K 7 2 Q 5 4
J 10 9 6 4 Q 8 5 3
Q J 10 9 6
8 6 A 10 9 5
A J 8
K 2
8 2
K Q J 4 3 2
The bidding:
1 Pass 2 Pass
2 Pass 3NT Pass
Pass Pass
Opening lead: Jack of
On this deal, first reported in the January 1937 issue of "The Bridge World," South, declarer at three no trump, has two six-card minor suits to work with. After a heart lead, which should he tackle first?
The auction is routine. With values for a sound opening bid and stoppers in both unbid suits, South's jump to three no trump at his second turn is beyond reproach.
West led the jack of hearts, and South had to decide in which hand to win the first trick. That depended on which minor he chose to try to develop. With normal breaks, declarer would have to surrender just one trick in diamonds but two in clubs to set up the suit. Since declarer cannot afford to lose the lead more than once, it might seem that the automatic play would be to win in hand and set up the diamonds by playing ace, king and another. That will establish three long-card tricks in the suit, but the contract will founder because declarer has only eight tricks.
Correct is to win the first trick in dummy and lead the singleton club. East cannot afford to rise with the ace (that will set up South's clubs), so the jack will win. Now declarer switches horses and ducks a diamond. After winning the heart return, declarer cashes the ace of diamonds and, when both defenders follow, declarer is home with five tricks in diamonds, two in hearts and one each in the black suits.
& copy;2006 Tribune Media Services
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