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Women's Museum enjoys guest of honor

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Dear Heloise: Thank you for being our guest of honor at The Women's Museum's "Stories From the Top" event. You were incredible! We loved hearing the stories of your mother's escapades on television and at the White House. It is obvious that you loved and admired her greatly.
And now the museum and our visitors can admire the original Heloise and her many accomplishments through the new "Forever Favorites" exhibit. This is the first addition to our permanent exhibits, and we are delighted that you chose to share your mother's memorabilia with us.
Hoping you will come back often! Wanda Brice, CEO, The Women's Museum: An Institute for the Future, Dallas
Wanda, it was a thrill for me to share a few of my mother's accomplishments. She created this internationally syndicated newspaper column, she was a best-selling author of many books, she did nationally syndicated radio spots, and she appeared on every network television show, including "The Tonight Show" and the "Today" show. She achieved this and much more in her short career -- from 1959 to 1977, when she died. Your museum is truly special, and I can't wait to come back and spend more time there. Heloise
P.S. Thanks for leading the way, Mother, for me and many women.
Dear Heloise: I just wanted to e-mail and thank you, as I recently found your Web site, One of the hints that I have followed for years was one that was in your column many, many years ago. The hint is to get a binder and put plastic sleeves in it to hold booklets from appliances, as well as receipt slips. I introduced this to my fianc & eacute;, and now we are on our sixth binder. He thinks it is a great idea. You don't know how many times it has come in handy. Eva Granger, via e-mail
Dear Heloise: We have a lot of wind here in beautiful western South Dakota. Whenever I want to put out cemetery arrangements, I wire the finished arrangement to a flat patio brick. They are only about 11/2 inches high, so they are not obnoxiously visible. For smaller arrangements, I use half of a patio brick.
The wind has yet to tip over an arrangement that we have secured to a patio brick. Shirley Kitterman, Wall, S.D.
Dear Heloise: When people reach that certain age (and you know what age I mean), it might become necessary to bite the bullet and get reading glasses to read books, menus, newspapers, etc. Through my own experience, I recommend that if you live with someone who also needs reading glasses and the prescriptions are different, buy frames that look different. I have mistakenly picked up my husband's, and he mine, which would not happen if they looked different. So, this is something to think about when you go to purchase those "readers." Anonymous, via e-mail
Send a great hint to: Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000, Fax: (210) HELOISE or E-mail:
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