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Girard judge got a bad rap

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Girard judge got a bad rap
The comments made about Judge Michael Bernard of Girard in this space on Thursday are misleading at times and utterly inaccurate at others. I respect all judges because of the offices they hold. However, I have a much more personal respect for Judge Bernard because of the jurist that he is, the person that he is and the integrity that he has exhibited during the time that I've known him.
Don't attribute quotes to him unless you personally heard him make those remarks. Girard is a political mess right now, and it is my opinion that there is a campaign under way to completely undermine Judge Bernard's credibility and reputation. More on that in a bit.
Judge Bernard doesn't manipulate, as was suggested, the pleas of criminal defendants by entering pleas of & quot;not guilty & quot; on their behalf. Travel to any county or municipal court in the area and you will find that judges routinely suggest a plea of not guilty when the person is charged with an offense which may carry a jail sentence or other serious penalty. That plea enables you, or your attorney, to discuss your case with the prosecutor and possibly obtain a better or more fair resolution than if had you admitted guilt at your initial appearance. Judge Bernard did you a favor that you can't even comprehend, and his thanks for that is being called a manipulator. Such is the life of a judge.
It should come as no surprise that the Girard Municipal Court is not generating as much revenue as in years past. City administrators blame Judge Bernard. But can the following possibility at least be investigated or considered? While the city brokered out its traffic enforcement responsibility to a camera company, something that was actually proven to be unconstitutional, the police department virtually stopped issuing the types of citations and charges that had previously been adjudicated in the municipal court. How can the court generate revenue when the streets aren't being monitored and the laws aren't being enforced like they were prior to the camera? Attention all Vindicator investigative reporters: Please obtain the yearly number of criminal and traffic offenses committed in Girard for the years of 2002-present, then please report on the huge reduction since that illegal camera went up. The numbers will support my opinion that the city administration is making a concerted effort to create a perception that Judge Bernard is ineffective. He is an excellent judge and the residents of Girard and LIberty are lucky to have him.
Clean house in November
Voters in Ohio must join with the rest of the country to show this government and our elected officials that we will no longer sit back and let our country and its laws be used and abused for their own gain.
We must get out and vote this November to clean house with this "do nothing" Congress. They have continually rubber stamped anything this corrupt president and his Cabinet have put before them, right or wrong, without a second thought to what is good for middle class and low income families, the majority of this country.
This radical right wing administration has waged war on the middle class.
They have turned their backs on our laws and Constitution with the help of this Congress.
We need checks and balances in Congress. We must make sure that we never give so much power to one party again, just look at the consequences.
I just want to say get out and vote,especially for our congressmen because they do make a difference in our goverment. Let's keep them honest.