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Democrats fried their brains, now live in a fantasy world

Friday, January 27, 2006

Democrats fried their brains, now live in a fantasy world
I am in awe of Democrats. One has to admire people who live in a fantasy world filled with mythical creatures, white knights and omnipresent demons. Their lives are exciting, adventurous and devoid of all reality.
In their world, apples fall from the trees right into their mouths. No need to plant, trim or harvest. And if the apple should miss its mark, don't worry. A government bureaucrat will pick it up and pop it in there for them. Yes, these Democrats have it better than Adam and Eve, who, while in the Garden of Eden, had to pick their own apples.
At least Adam and Eve got something out of their Paradise. They got knowledge. Knowledge is a hard thing to come by for Democrats. Instead of knowledge, they have talking points, mantras and myths. Try to present a fact to a Democrat and they start chanting and ranting and covering their ears. It is a humorous little dance, but in the end, it is a sad and grotesque bit of entertainment.
Pick any subject -- economics, the war in Iraq, Homeland security, the Supreme Court. The tune is different, but the dance is the same. Their newest is & quot;the culture of corruption. & quot; This is their latest hope. Ask Democrat leader Harry Reid why it is OK for him to take money from Jack Abramoff, and he just covers his ears and begins to chant & quot;culture of corruption, culture of corruption. & quot;
For the life of me, I haven't quite figured out what these Democrats are upset about. Wasn't it Tip O'Neill, former Democrat leader in the House, who said that all politics is local? The Democrats invented the earmark, which is the primary way politicians reward lobbyists. Are Democrats angry because the Republicans stole their idea? Or are they angry because the Republicans perfected it? And for all their chants and rants, not one Democrat has proposed eliminating these earmarks because they know that when their dancing stops, they are going to need them to buy votes.
What it all boils down to is the Democrats have another little mantra their rank and file can sit and chant. It's like a drug. It reminds me of the '60s with smoke-filled rooms and hippies in the corners tripping. & quot;Like wow dude, don't ya get it? Don't ya see it man? It's in the smoke, in the air. It's all around us. They're coming for us man. They're coming. & quot; And the bungs boiled while their brains fried.
I was amazed then, and I'm still amazed.
Alito will change U.S., and not for the better
Until recently I have never been particularly involved in politics, but I feel strongly that the Alito nomination has serious implications for all our lives as Americans.
The purpose of democracy is to represent the collective interests of the nation, and with that purpose in mind the Alito nomination could not be further from an appropriate choice. Alito will enable the Bush administration to conduct activities not supported by most Americans. He supports a kind of unchecked executive power that means Bush has no accountability for decisions to spy on American citizens, detain them indefinitely without trial or charges. This scares me.
The ability to hold our own government accountable to its citizens is not a partisan issue. I sincerely hope his nomination will be prevented.
The writer is a student at Princeton University.