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Saturday, April 22, 2006

Planting day is planned for members of Garden Forum.
Wildwood members will meet at noon with Derry Eberart as speaker. Audrey Cossler will be hostess, and co-hostess will be Carol Bigelow.
A surprise program is planned for the 1 p.m. meeting of Ivy League. Hostesses will be Wanda Brothers and Liz Rudolph.
Phil Steiner will speak on gardening at the meeting of the Appleridge Gardenaires. Hostess will be Marian Baker, and co-hostess will be Dorothy Kijowski.
St. Edward members will have a mystery program at the 1 p.m. meeting in Vincentian Hall. Grace Christopher and Mary Whalen will be hostesses.
Garden club events are published Sunday. The deadline is noon Thursday.