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Keep on checkin'

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

The Martins Ferry Times-Leader: The American Civil Liberties Union is, apparently, made up of an incredibly naive bunch of people. They are wailing, again, about the treatment of some evacuees who fled the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
Their complaint this time is that some of the evacuees are being treated like criminals -- and they are. Routine background checks of every "refugee," as the ACLU calls them, have yielded some frightening results. More than half of the evacuees flooding into Rhode Island, for example, were found to have criminal arrest records -- a third were felons.
No surprise
We were not at all surprised to find that the ACLU believed these background checks -- meant to protect the safety of the thousands of generous people who have donated their time and their homes to help these evacuees -- are "thinly veiled race and class discrimination."
If these checks are finding criminals -- whatever their race or class -- who should be behind bars, they are a good thing and must remain in place.