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Answers to weekly quiz: Q. Both vulnerable, as South you hold: xA J 10 4 3 uQ 10 6 4 3 vQ

Monday, October 31, 2005

Answers to weekly quiz: Q. Both vulnerable, as South you hold: xA J 10 4 3 uQ 10 6 4 3 vQ 8 w7 The bidding has proceeded: NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST 1w Pass 1x Pass 3w Pass ? What do you bid now? A. If you wonder whether anyone would bid anything other than three hearts, so do we, and four hearts would have been reached. However, when this deal was played in a world team championship some years ago, three no trump became the final contract. Q. Both vulnerable, as South you hold: xA K 10 5 uA 10 2 v9 6 4 3 wJ 3 The bidding has proceeded: NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST 1w Pass 1v Pass 3w Pass ? What do you bid now? A. Our choice would be three no trump. Although you have a pretty good hand, you bring only three tricks to the table. Q. Both vulnerable, you hold: xK Q 5 4 uJ 10 9 6 3 2 v9 4 w7 The bidding has proceeded: NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST 1w Pass 1u Pass 2v Pass ? What do you bid now? A. Partner's reverse is a one-round force. We consider the sixth card in the major suit as a more important feature than showing the other major, and therefore choose two hearts as our rebid. Q. Neither vulnerable, as South you hold: x8 uA K 9 7 6 v7 3 wK J 9 5 4 The bidding has proceeded: NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST 1w Pass 1u Pass 1x Pass ? What do you bid now? A. If you play fourth-suit forcing, what better time to employ this gadget. If not, jump to three clubs -- your problem could come on the next round should partner choose to bid three no trump. Q. Neither vulnerable, as South you hold: xQ J 10 9 7 6 2 u7 vQ J 6 w9 8 Partner opens the bidding with one club. What do you respond? A. Our choice would be a jump to three spades. Q. As South, vulnerable, you hold: xJ 10 5 uQ J 9 8 5 2 vK 7 w6 3 The bidding has proceeded: EAST SOUTH WEST NORTH 1NT Pass Pass Dbl 2w ? What action do you take? A. Partner's double of an opening no trump shows a good hand with a long suit -- a holding with which he thinks he can beat one no trump even if you bring little or nothing to the table. You should bid two hearts and await developments. & copy; 2005 Tribune Media Services