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Vacant house burns

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Vacant house burns
WARREN -- City firefighters are investigating the cause of a 4:15 a.m. fire Friday at 2491 Kenwood Drive S.W. A department spokesman said that the Cape Cod-style home was vacant and that the owner is listed as Beatrice Russ. No damage estimate is yet available.
Principal receives raise
MINERAL RIDGE -- Weathersfield Board of Education recently granted middle school Principal William Koppel a 2 percent salary increase of $1,000 retroactive to Aug. 1 for the current school year.
Koppel, who retired from the district at the end of 2003 and then returned to his spot as principal in 2004 and 2005 -- drawing a pension and benefits from the State Teachers and Educators Retirement System -- had been paid $50,000 annually by the board.
He will also receive a 2.25 percent raise of $1,148 for the 2006-2007 school year.
Employee charged
WARREN -- Police charged a city employee with felony theft in office and tampering with evidence, as $30 missing from the Income Tax Department is being investigated.
Police arrested Melody Byard, 33, of Red Fox Run Drive N.W., this week. She has been on unpaid leave for administrative charges of theft, gross neglect of duty, misfeasance, malfeasance and nonfeasance against the cashier/auditor.
Thomas Gaffney, city tax administrator, signed a police report in September, saying the $30 disappeared during August. At that time Mayor Michael O'Brien said city officials are taking a detailed look at their records over the past few months and forwarding information to city police.
Canfield lights ceremony
CANFIELD -- The city will have its annual Lighting of the Green at 7 p.m. Dec. 3.
The event features caroling, a candle lighting ceremony, lighting of trees, a live nativity, Santa's arrival, reindeer, chestnuts roasting on an open fire, an ice carver, and free hot chocolate, coffee and doughnuts. The public is invited.
Sponsors are First Night Canfield, the Canfield Junior Women's League, Canfield Lion's Club and the Canfield Rotary Club.
Williamson Road closing
GREENVILLE, Pa. -- Williamson Road will be closed to through traffic from Pa. Route 18 to Werner Road for repairs beginning Monday. The road will be closed from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. through Dec. 9.
Voting machines display
MERCER, Pa. -- The public is invited to view a display of several voting machines the county is considering buying.
The Mercer County Board of Elections announced the machines will be displayed in the assembly room in the basement of the Mercer County Courthouse from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Thursday. Machines can be tested, and vendors will be available to answer questions.
Toy collection begins
MERCER, Pa. -- New toys for Mercer County children who might otherwise not receive gifts this Christmas are being collected at the Pennsylvania State Police Barracks on Pa. Route 62 in Jackson Center. Toys will be collected through Dec. 14. The toys should be new and unwrapped. The toy drive is being done in conjunction with the Mercer County Children's Aid Society.
Drive with warm wishes
YOUNGSTOWN -- LaFrance Cleaners and Help Hotline Crisis Center are teaming up to help the area's needy brave the coming winter months.
All six LaFrance Cleaners and Youngstown City Hall will be drop-off sites for coats and new hats, gloves, scarves, etc.
Organizers said people who donate a coat to the Button Up! program at LaFrance Cleaners will receive a coupon to use at their next visit.
People who knit and crochet are also encouraged to make hats, scarves, gloves and other cold-weather gear. Each handmade item will be marked with a special tag identifying it as such. New gloves, hats and scarves may be hung on the tree in city hall, 26 S. Phelps St.
Adopt a needy family
COLUMBIANA -- The Way Station is asking families to adopt a needy family for Christmas. Sponsors will receive information about the family, including its ages and its wish list. Interested people can call the Way Station at (330) 482-5072, or (330) 424-5255.