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BEATITUDE HOUSE \ How you can help

Saturday, November 26, 2005

More information about Beatitude House and its mission.
Mission statement: Beatitude House, sponsored by the Ursuline Sisters of Youngstown, is committed to disadvantaged women and children in the Mahoning Valley. In an atmosphere of care and compassion, the programs focus on counseling to promote self-development and education to obtain needed skills. Through this holistic approach, both women and children are empowered with the training, knowledge, work habits and motivation to realize their full potential.
Donations: Monetary gifts are welcome; 80 percent of each dollar goes to direct services in housing, education and career preparation. Among other items needed are gift certificates for discount and grocery stores, diapers, gasoline and phone cards, pocket calculators, personal hygiene products, over-the-counter cold and pain remedies for children and adults, paper products, cleaning supplies, reference materials, briefcases and file boxes, clock radios, answering machines, table settings, cups and glasses, tool sets, floppy disks and used automobiles in good condition.
Volunteer opportunities: Residents wishing to volunteer may mentor children and adults, tutor or be a "big brother or sister" to a child, baby-sit, help with fund-raisers, assist with newsletter mailing, serve on a committee, provide transportation or do yardwork.
Clothing: Beatitude House will accept children's clothing from baby to young teenager. Clothing for adults may be donated to Goodwill of Youngstown in the name of Beatitude House, and Beatitude clients use vouchers to shop.