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Twenty-three Youngstown State University faculty members are retiring at the end of spring semester

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Twenty-three Youngstown State University faculty members are retiring at the end of spring semester 2005. They are listed with years of service, rank and discipline taught:
Richard Bee, 40 years, professor of economics
Martin Berger, 36 years, professor of history
Sarah Brown-Clark, 32 years, associate professor of English
James Conser, 27 years, professor of criminal justice
Thomas Copeland, 34 years, professor of English
James Daly, 33 years, professor of management
Gary Fry, 35 years, professor of sociology and anthropology
Beverly Gartland, 38 years, professor of sociology and anthropology
Stephen Graf, 35 years, professor of psychology
Kathleen Kougl, 30 years, professor of communication and theater
H. Kent McMath, 11 years, professor of accounting and finance
Virginia Monseau, 19 years, professor of English
James Morrison, 35 years, professor of psychology
Eugene Santos, 36 years, professor of computer science and information systems
Helen Savage, 17 years, professor of accounting and finance
Steven Schildcrout, 36 years, professor of chemisty
Charles Singler, 36 years, professor of geological and environmental sciences
Stephen Sniderman, 36 years, professor of English
John Turk, 33 years, professor, Dana School of Music
Sherry Warden, 18 years, professor of counseling
John White, 34 years, professor of sociology and anthropology
Warren Young, 43 years, professor of physics and astronomy
James Zupanic, 23 years, associate professor, School of Technology