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Educator backs amendment

By Virginia Ross

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

NORTH LIMA -- South Range Schools Superintendent Jim Hall has been stepping outside his office lately, going to Little League games and other places people gather to explain how the Educate Ohio amendment would establish public education as a fundamental right.
Under the proposed amendment, every citizen would have the right to obtain an education just as he or she has a right to vote. "I can't see anything more important for the state to do than to educate its citizens," Hall said.
At Hall's recommendation Monday, the South Range School Board of Education passed a resolution supporting passage of the amendment. The board also resolved to encourage pupils, faculty, staff and members of the public to support the proposed amendment, which also calls for a reduction in the state's reliance on property taxes to pay for that education.
Hall said a ceiling on property taxes for school operations would be set at 15 mills for each school district. "With this amendment, the only role the Legislature would have would be to come up with the money to provide the education," Hall said. Among other requirements, the proposed amendment would also guarantee each student access to high-quality educational opportunities, require a new system of school funding and hold state officials accountable for funding education.