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Where can you find products to help?

Saturday, May 14, 2005

The Center for the New American Dream helps provide people with environmentally safe products. Its Web site says: "According to the EPA, fumes from household cleansers, paints, varnishes, etc. in the typical home make the indoor environment 2-5 times more polluted than the air outside." It provides a listing of safe cleaning products that do not emit toxins, and even recipes for making your own safe cleaning products. For instance, it says that plain 5 percent vinegar can kill 99 percent of household bacteria, 82 percent of molds, and 80 percent of viruses. The Web site contains a wealth of information.
Also check out the Green Home Environmental Store Web site. It carries all kinds of products for all areas of the home that are tested for environmental and human safety, including air and water filters.
Green Seal is an independent, nonprofit organization that identifies and promotes environmentally safe and sound products and services with no financial interest in the products. They even list floor finishes and strippers with VOCs rated 6 percent or lower. (Common floor finish-strippers may have a VOC rating as high as 30 percent.)