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Quality of life is an issue in life and death decisions

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Quality of life is an issue in life and death decisions
My heart and sympathy go out to Terri Schiavo's family. I think that everyone who has gotten on the bandwagon giving their opinions in the media should mind their own business.
We want a separation of church and state, but here we are giving our government the power to make moral decisions.
Every time I see Terri on the news, my heart breaks for her and her family. I would not want my pictures plastered all over the news that would show me in a vegetative state.
Quality of life to me is being able to actually take care of myself, enjoy doing things, being with my family and friends and just anything I want. When I see Terri, I don't see that she has any quality of life. Those of us who have had to make decisions regarding a loved one to live or die know that in our hearts that it is never easy. I wonder why her parents are clinging to her in the hope she will someday be the daughter they had in the past? This doesn't make any sense to me.
I have a living will and have discussed my wishes in length with my sons. I have left no decisions for them to make and no one can blame them for things that I have chosen. I pray for Terri and her family every day. I pray that the media and the government would just quit interfering.
Murder drama in Florida
I've been watching in horror with the rest of the country as Florida unleashes yet another drama; the murder of Terri Schiavo.
We have people on death row across the United States who wrongfully took another life. How is this situation any different?
We have lawyers filing appeals to keep cold blooded criminals from lethal injection or the electric chair. The court system in Florida rolls out the red carpet for Michael Schiavo and his sleazy lawyer to starve to death a handicapped woman who can't speak for herself.
Since Michael Schiavo is capable of ending his wife's life in such a cruel and heartless manner and manipulating the court system to back him, I believe his credibility is in question. He needs to get over himself and allow the Schindlers, who have their daughter's best interest at heart, to take charge of Terri's care and management.
Those on death row receive more consideration than Terri Schiavo. With all the innocent blood on our hands for abortion, can we afford to start euthanizing the handicapped?
The vulnerable are at risk
Here in Ohio, a most vulnerable segment of our population is being threatened: those who were born with physical handicaps as well as mental retardation.
The state budget is in grave trouble, but to consider shutting down facilities that care for these entirely dependent individuals is unthinkable.
Sadly, there are those in our state government who are targeting such facilities as the Sunrise Homes and the Opportunity Homes here in Columbiana County. They seem to have no idea what the removal of these homes would mean to their present residents and their families.
Charles Wilson is our senator, D-30th district, and Charles Blasdell is our representative, R-1st district. Please contact them and urge them to seek other ways to stabilize the budget, and preserve the homes for these needy citizens.