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MiniPage activities meet many state and national educational standards. This week's standards:

Saturday, March 12, 2005

MiniPage activities meet many state and national educational standards. This week's standards: Students understand that history relates to events and people of other times and places by identifying examples of interesting Americans. (Social Studies: History) Students use biographies and stories to understand the individuals who are honored by the nation. (Social Studies: History)
1. Draw a picture of the most important woman in your life. Write a sentence telling why she is so important.
2. Look at female characters in the comic strips. Make a list of the different occupations they have. How many work in an office? How many work in a school? How many are full-time mothers?
3. Look through your newspaper to find stories about women who have careers in (a) science, (b) government, (c) education, (d) sports and (d) entertainment. How do you think these women will make a difference in the world?
4. Which of the women in today's MiniPage: (a) had careers that put them in personal danger, (b) had a lot of education, (c) served their country in some way, and (d) helped a specific group of people?
5. Use resource books and the Internet to learn more about one of the women in today's MiniPage. Select a woman to study. Use these questions to guide your research: When did the woman live? What was her childhood like? Why did she select the field she did? What failures did she have along the way? What successes did she have? How did she change her society, her country or her world?