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WESTMINSTER COLLEGE Forum for administrators to focus on legal rules for schools

Saturday, March 5, 2005

The program is targeted toward relatively new school leaders.
NEW WILMINGTON, Pa. -- The Westminster College Drinko Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning will sponsor & quot;Twenty Legal Standards School Administrators Must Understand to Operate a School & quot; from 8:30 a.m. to noon March 17 in the Lakeview Room of McKelvey Campus Center.
The Drinko Center was developed to advance world-class teaching at Westminster and enrich K-12 education through outreach programs for area educators.
The workshop will be presented by Dr. Chet Kent, associate executive secretary for the Tri-State Area School Study Council and author of & quot;School House Legal Primer, & quot; a monthly analysis of legal issues sent to 135 school districts. He will guide participants through a discussion and application of 20 legal principles that deal with everyday school situations that principals face during the school year. The program is designed for new school leaders and administrators with less than five years' experience, or as a refresher course for veteran administrators.
The event is sponsored by the study council's department of administrative policy studies in the University of Pittsburgh's School of Education, in collaboration with the Drinko Center .
"Reading and Writing Across the Curriculum" dinner, offered April 7, is the final topic in the series.
All clinics offer Act 48 hours and are open to all interested parties. For registration, contact Carol Fiumara at the study council at (412) 648-7185 or e-mail Applications can also be mailed to:
4H01 Posvar Hall, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15260, or faxed to (412) 648-8185.
For more information, contact Kent at (412) 648-7169 or e-mail