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When intelligent people talk, the truth will out

Wednesday, March 2, 2005

When intelligent people talk, the truth will out
In the general population of the United States, ignorance of science is accepted as the norm. The Vindicator helps contribute to this condition by not having a daily science section and rarely publishing articles on high tech, astronomy, or science related subjects.
The greatest threat to our freedom today is from our own government, not some foreign government. Our born-again president is attempting to lead us down the path to righteousness through religion because he was & quot;saved & quot; from his vices by religion. It may be that President Bush sees science as a threat to religion or it may just be that he is ignorant in science and the research that is going on in that field. Whatever the case, in today's world, the nations that invest heavily in high tech research will be tomorrow's leading nations and this is not the direction our president is taking us. In his speeches the president occasionally talks of financially supporting faith-based organizations, Is this not clearly violating the Constitution's separation of church and state?
He is also limiting on what research can be done on stem cells because of religious reasons.
He is also for the teaching of "intelligent design" in public schools. Many scientists are now being diverted from doing their research to fighting state school boards on implementing intelligent design in the school curriculum. Forcing religion on young children is certainly not going to make a brighter future for our country. Teaching our children false information, like & quot;the earth is 6,000 years old & quot; is wrong and has to be stopped.
Not too long ago I attended three days of discussion on intelligent design that was free and open to the public at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. The Ohio school board, religious leaders and scientists were brought together to discuss intelligent design and its being taught in public schools. Dr. Lawrence Krause narrated the Saturday session. Dr. Krause , the Case Ambrose Swasey professor of Physics, professor of Astronomy, and chairman of the Department of Physics at CWRU, is known throughout the world as the modern day equivalent of Albert Einstein. Krause is one of the advisers to President Bush on sending a man to Mars. He has over 200 technical publications in physics and astronomy, yet he was forced to take time away from his important research to discuss intelligent design and discourage having it taught in public schools because he sees it as a serious threat to future generations.
What we need now is more public discussions on intelligent design. Whenever intelligent individuals get together and discuss an issue for long periods of time, eventually the truth will emerge.
The casinos are coming; they might as well be the best
Gambling is coming to the state of Ohio, whether those who rule like it or not. The Indian tribes will put it down your throat. They have the federal law behind them and the money to do it. Other states have tried but lost. They will tell you where to put casinos and will have complete control of them. Payouts are controlled by them. They will not have to pay taxes if they go through the federal recognition program.
Las Vegas style casinos will pay their share of taxes and more. Most Indian casinos are there to just take your money, not for entertainment. We need Las Vegas style casinos. They entertain and will be a benefit to the community and will be controlled by a commission They will also pay their fair share of taxes.
We need casinos in areas that are now and have been economically disadvantaged for years first. These taxes should be used first to solve Medicare. Let's open our eyes and pass a good bill for our benefit.