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HELOISE Collection of eyeglasses can help out others

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Dear Heloise: I was prompted to write to you concerning the collection of eyeglasses for those people who cannot afford the cost of new glasses.
The Lions Clubs of our district have been engaged in the collection of eyeglasses for many years, and the effect that it has had on a worldwide basis is overwhelming. Last year our club, the Houston Cy-Fair Lions Club, collected more than 110,000 pairs of eyeglasses.
This is a very worthwhile program, because the glasses we collect are distributed throughout the world.
The Lions Eye Bank of Texas is another outlet in the conservation of sight in that some of the corneas donated are given to people who cannot afford the operation. Al Lindow, Houston
Thanks, Al, for your letter. Readers, check with the Lions Club in your area about eyeglass donations and where there is a drop-off point. As someone who has worn glasses since before age 5, I have passed on many of them, and it's comforting to know they will help someone out. Heloise
Dear Heloise: Here's another use for those "free" address labels that come in the mail: Once, when visiting my mother, we discovered that we had the same cell-phone-charger units. In order to tell them apart, we put our labels on them. This will also benefit kids with cell phones, especially in a camp or dorm situation. Laura Jones, Kerrville, Texas
Dear Heloise: I love to cook with rice, but whenever I tried to pour out the amount I needed to cook, I would always spill it. So, I took an empty, plastic powdered-drink container and filled it with rice. Since rice is usually prepared with 2 parts water to 1 part rice, the marks in the container's lid for 1 quart or 2 quarts of drink are an easy way of measuring out the rice and water. Using the 1-quart mark for rice and the 2-quart mark for water, I get just the right amount of rice for one or two servings, and the container is much easier to handle. Amber Briggs, Baraboo, Wis.
Dear Heloise: My daughter and her husband have a queen-size bed. When she buys sheets, she gets a fitted queen-size bottom, but a king-size top -- so when one of them rolls over, he or she doesn't take the sheet off of the other.
Kathy and I have laughed because at checkout it is brought to her attention that she doesn't have a matching pair. When she explains it to them, they think it is a wonderful idea! Helen B. Wise, Claypool, Ind.
Dear Heloise: I keep a copy of my personal health-care instructions in the glove compartment of my car. If I am ever in an accident, it has information on whom to call, health care to be given, etc. R.H. Rook, San Diego
XSend a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to
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