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Anniversary Mass, reception honor Smeskos on 50th

Saturday, January 29, 2005

XBOARDMAN -- Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Smesko of Boardman were honored Jan. 29 at a Mass at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church in Youngstown in celebration of their 50th wedding anniversary.
A dinner reception for the couple's family and friends was held afterward at the church hall. Hosts were their daughters and sons-in-law, Andrea and Jack Crogan, Annette Fernback and Anita and Bruce Burns, all of Boardman, and Anna and Rusty Orth of Jacksonville, Fla.; and their 10 grandchildren.
Mr. Smesko and the former Angela Santangelo were married Jan. 29, 1955, at St. Joseph Church in Youngstown.
Mrs. Smesko retired from the engineering department of Ameri-tech. Her husband was employed by J & amp;L Steel in Campbell and Zabel Restaurant Supply, and he retired from the maintenance department of Edward J. DeBartolo Corp.