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Friday, January 28, 2005

Both vulnerable. North deals.
x A J 7
u Q 8 3
v A J 10 7 6 5
w 6
x 4 3 2 x 5
u 2 u A K J 10 9 7
v K Q v 9 8 4 2
w Q 8 7 5 4 3 2 w 10 9
x K Q 10 9 8 6
u 6 5 4
v 3
w A K J
The bidding:
1v 2u 2x Pass
3x Pass 4x Pass
Opening lead: Two of u
Here's another deal composed by Eddie Kantar for average players attending the recent Fall North American Bridge Championships in Orlando.
East's two-heart overcall is weak, showing a good six-card suit and little else. South has an easy two-spade response and, after North's simple raise, game is reached in quick time despite the opponent's pre-emptive tactic.
West leads the singleton heart. East wins with the jack and cashes the ace and king, as South follows. If West discards two low clubs, East will get the message and shift to a diamond, West's queen forces the ace, but unfortunately declarer has a singleton and, after cashing the ace of clubs and ruffing the jack on the table, declarer can draw trumps and claim the rest of the tricks.
A little foresight will allow the defense to prevail. By the play to the first trick, West can see that he will be able to get two discards on partner's hearts, and should choose to sluff the king and queen of diamonds! Now when East shifts to a diamond West can ruff for a one-trick set.
& copy; 2005 Tribune Media Services